Thank you and congratulations to all students who submitted entries for this year's PTA Reflections Art and Writing contest!

We had a high level of fantastic entries and are so proud of all the work that was submitted this year. All participants will receive recognition for their work. 

We are pleased to announce the following Reflections winners for the 2024-25 school year.

First Place (tie)
"Imperfect Perfections" by Annelyse Duke

"The Storm" by Sebastian Heydt


We are thrilled that Ronald Davis has won the Florida PTA Music Award of Excellence and Award of Merit for two consecutive years.



First Place
​"Sublime Imperfection" by Leonella Atencio

Second Place
"Echo of a Previous Life" by Azaria Howell

Third Place
"Imperfect Friend" by Noely Peña

Hillsborough County Reflections Awards 


Visual Arts