Davidsen School Uniform Policy

Students may not wear hoodies or leggings/athletic wear.

Visit the Uniform Shop for Polos, Uniform pullovers, and Friday Spirit Shirts.

Hillsborough County Schools Dress Code
(applies to non-uniform days and events)

6th – 12th Grades 

Shoes shall be worn. Skate tennis shoes and bedroom slippers are not allowed.

Clothing that exposes the entire shoulder, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or similar type of clothing may only be worn with a blouse or shirt. T-shirts must have sleeves.

Clothing exposing the torso or the midriff, either front, back, or sides shall not be worn.

Clothing shall not expose the mid-chest area.

Clothing not properly fastened or with tears that are indecent shall not be worn.  All pants and shorts shall be secured at the waist.

Hemlines shall be no shorter than fingertip length.

Underwear shall not be visible. Clothing traditionally designed as undergarments or sleepwear shall not be worn as outer garments. 

Head coverings shall not be worn in the building unless required for religious observance or health-related reasons.

Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, gang, weapons, or alcohol-related wording or graphics, or that provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in the school, shall not be worn. Wallet chains shall not be worn.

MONDAY – THURSDAY - Students wear Polo shirts available at the Dragon Gear Spirit Shop (Try our Dry-fit Polo for a cool and lightweight feel) or any Polo in solid GREY, NAVY BLUE, or BLACK available at retailers such as Target and Walmart.

FRIDAY - Students may wear a Davidsen Spirit shirt of their choice: Purchase your Spirit shirts and outwear at 6th Grade Camp (mornings) or at the Open House.

Students may wear non-hooded sweatshirts or sweaters in solid navy, black, or gray. No logos with the exception of the Davidsen logo. You can buy the official Davidsen pullover sweatshirt during 6th Grade Camp, at the Open House, or online throughout the year as supplies last.

Students wear solid NAVY (jeans or pants) or TAN (Khaki) pants (trousers) secured at the waist and covering past length of fingertips when arms are down. No rips or tears above the knee are allowed. Appropriate length shorts and pleated uniform style skirts are also approved in solid NAVY BLUE or TAN. No leggings or athletic leg wear. 

SHOES: Athletic shoes recommended. No slippers, wheeled shoes, or shoes without heel straps.

HATS: No hats unless for religious observance or medical reasons. 

P.E. uniforms may be purchased at Open House and during the first weeks of school.

Detailed Uniform descriptions and enforcement policy here

Uniform Policy in Spanish