Step One: Think about the theme, "Accepting Imperfection"
There are many ways you can interpret this theme, so think about your daily life as well as your dreams for the future.
Step Two: Pick a format
You can choose from:
A drawing/painting/digital image
A photograph
A video: animated or "real life"
A story, essay, poem, or play, or other type of writing
An original dance- Make a video featuring your choreography
A song or musical composition-make a recording
More Questions? contact us or speak to your Arts or Writing teacher.
Step Three: Create
This is the fun part.
Make sure to check the exact measurements and requirements here
Every entry must have a written component that explains how your entry aligns with the theme.
Step Five: Submit your work
You can turn in your work to your Art, Music, Dance, Language Arts teacher, or the media center.
The due date is Oct 28, 2024
Step Six: Be proud
If you get to this point you can be proud of what you accomplished, and you will also get a prize for participating! The judges will choose their top three from each category to win a grand prize and be entered into the Hillsborough County competition representing Davidsen!
Step Four: Pick up and fill out the entry form
Ask your art or writing teacher for one, download one here, or pick up from the media center.
Due Date October 28, 2024